Friday, 21 August 2009

Ray Five - New Age Science

The Fifth deals with science, medicine and psychology, and is dedicated to foster appreciation for the value of all sciences as a key to save and restore Mother Earth. Essentially, the Fifth Ray Energy deals with concrete knowledge and science as a key to advance humanity into a new era of life.

The overall objective is to hold the thought and ideal of advancements in the field of psychology, medicine and all branches of the scientific field for the purpose of Spiritual progression rather than materialistic self-destruction.

On a personal level make a decision to learn something new today and to expand your horizon of knowledgeable things in service of Spirit and humanity.

from I am University xjillx

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Wednesday Ray three - Divine Intelligence

Every Wednesday spend a few moments in silence sending positive thoughts and energies to all business men and women around the world. Say some prayers if you feel inspired to, visualize sending golden/white light to all financial bodies around the globe and see fair-trade prospering around the world; send out positive and uplifting thoughts to everyone around the world who is having financial difficulties, or even better―take some action in your immediate environment to help yourself and humanity master all lessons pertaining to the Third Ray of Finance, Business and Trade on a personal, national and international level.

In short: Throughout Wednesday, hold the thought and ideal of a fair trade world where every citizen is provided with all Spiritual, psychological and Earthly support needed to live a life of dignity and prosperity.

From the I Am University

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Tuesday is Ray Two - Love & Wisdom

The Second Ray of Love & Wisdom deals with Spiritual education, teaching and reformation, to support the re-integration of Spiritual principles into our educational system. Essentially, the Second Ray Energy deals with love, wisdom and understanding. It takes love and wisdom to foster understanding on Earth.

The overall objective of our Second Ray is to hold the thought and ideal of the positive re-inclusion of Spiritual values in all schools, universities and educational outposts around the world, and to help make education both accessible and affordable for every human being on Earth.

On a personal level make a decision to remain in unconditional love all day long and to not give into fear, no matter what may happen throughout the day. FEAR = short for False Evidence Appearing Real. FEAR = the false evidence of separation appearing real. In short: fear is an illusion because the truth is that we are all interconnected and one.
From the I Am University xxjillxx

Monday, 17 August 2009

Monday is Ray One Day - Ray of Will & Power

The First Ray Department deals with politics, government and international relations, and is dedicated to empower the world’s politicians to choose the path of peace. Essentially, the First Ray Energy deals with power, will, purpose. It takes humanity’s collective power and will to unite all countries and people around the world for the purpose of creating lasting world peace on Earth!

The overall objective is to hold the thought and ideal of the peaceful political cooperation and co-creation of all countries around the globe.

On a personal level make a decision to remain in your personal power all day long and to not give your power away to other people, outside events or anything else for that matter. Also, make sure that you use your personal power only in service of peace and unconditional love.

from the I Am University

May Peace Be With You xjillx

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Healing With the Rays

Ray Healing is very dear to my heart, and I am thrilled to be able to introduce transformational healing modality to you. The Rays are vibrational frequencies of Divine Light emanating from the cosmic heart of Mother/Father God, the source of all Life, Light and Energy. The Seven Great Rays of God are esoterically called ‘The Personality of God!’ They each bring with them particular qualities, colour and sonic vibrations that we are able to integrate within our various energy bodies, allowing us to be conscious of ourselves as magical beings of Light.

Using the individual vibrational properties of the Rays and the overlighting energy of the ‘Chohans’, the Guardians of these Rays, the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Elohim, you can get an insight into particular behaviour patterns, awaken dormant DNA, awakening multi-dimensional memories, and as we integrate and anchor the vibrational properties of these seven Rays you become more attuned with your strengths and weaknesses, gain knowledge of your life path and service work, as well as healing, rejuvenating and regeneration of your physical and the etheric body. Ray Healing will assist in the removal of negative ego, archetypes and attributes of each ray, and the anchoring and activation of all the positive aspects, attributes and virtues of the Rays.

There are Twenty-Two Rays available to Earth. The first seven Rays are physical Rays, Rays eight to twenty-two are cosmic rays, and can help develop a deeper understanding of your light work, as they carry a higher vibration of Source Light. They have an amazing influence on activating and anchoring your own Higher Light, development and fine-tune your instincts and intuition, and assists in the actualization of your true nature as a Master Being of Love and Light. Rays 8 – 22 will also be anchored an activated within your three mind, four body systems.

If you are interested in further information please visit for contact details