Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Day 7 of 49 Serapis Bey

Serapis Bey:
Serapis Bey serves from the White Ray of Purity, which comes the action of the Ascension Flame. In past embodiments such as Priest Guardian of the Flame in Atlantis, designer of the Parthenon in Greece, Akhenaton IV and Amenophis III in Egypt, this great Ascended Master serves the Earth from his etheric retreat over the Temple of Luxor in Egypt. Serapis Bay has legions of Seraphim Angels in his command. As a great disciplinarian in assisting seekers along the path of spiritual initiation, Serapis Bey’s Sacred Fire Love works with us primarily on the level of our Higher Mental Body (Christ Self). We may call to white fire flames of this Being along with his legions of angels for great assistance in our purification of the entire human energetic hologram and the raising of our vibrational frequencies and light quotients.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Sunday is Kuthumi

Serving as our World Teacher, Kuthumi comes to support each one of us in our ascension in the area of Divine Truth and the discernment of that Truth. He has lived earthly embodiments as St. Francis of Assisi; Balthazar, one of the wise men following the star to child Jesus; and the Greek philosopher, Pythagoras. We may call to his golden-yellow Sacred Fire rays for Wisdom, Discernment and Illumination. Instrumental in bringing Theosophy to the Earth, his activity is education, providing gentle understandings of truth and wisdom through his great love for Humanity. His etheric temple of Illumination is said to be a cathedral of nature and located over the hills of Kashmir, India.

Saturday is Goddess of Harmony

The Goddess of Harmony represents the living light of Harmony, a valuable key to our progress on the Path of Becoming. She comes to assist us in becoming Divine Instruments of Harmony, Peace and Calm within the chaotic circumstances of the outer world. Call to this great Goddess to enfold you in her Sacred Fire Harmony, to stand strong and to have the resolve to accomplish anything that you so desire in your life. Call upon Harmony to assist in the lives of your family, your community, nation and the world. We may embody these living flames of harmony to help transmute outer world destruction and discordant energy upon the planet

Friday is Goddess of Justice - Lady Portia

Lady Portia is the Goddess of Justice and Opportunity, representing these qualities to the Earth. Her action is that of balance, and harmony to hold that balance. She is one of the members of the Karmic Board, representing the Violet Ray. Twin Flame and Divine Complement of Saint Germain, this being focuses with the Violet Fire to bring forth justice, freedom, mercy, forgiveness and alchemizing effect. You can call upon this Lady Portia and her Sacred Fire for the qualities of Freedom, Justice and Opportunity to act in your life and the world. She also lends assistance in legal action. Scales of balance are her symbol as well as the Maltese Cross.

Friday, 26 November 2010

Goddess of Justice

Lady Portia is the Goddess of Justice and Opportunity, representing these qualities to the Earth. Her action is that of balance, and harmony to hold that balance. She is one of the members of the Karmic Board, representing the Violet Ray. Twin Flame and Divine Complement of Saint Germain, this being focuses with the Violet Fire to bring forth justice, freedom, mercy, forgiveness and alchemizing effect. You can call upon this Lady Portia and her Sacred Fire for the qualities of Freedom, Justice and Opportunity to act in your life and the world. She also lends assistance in legal action. Scales of balance are her symbol as well as the Maltese Cross.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

"...never forget that the sincere prayer of faith is a mighty force for the promotion of personal happiness, individual self-control, social harmony, moral progress, and spiritual attainment."

Quote fron Urantia

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

10th Ray of Divinity the overlighting Ray of 2010

Hiya Everyone,

As many of you know I have been working with the Ray energy for many years and have this year launched 'Healing With Rays'. 2010 is going to be Overlighted by the tenth ray of Divinity, I hope that you will join me in anchoring and activating the positive qualities of this beautiful Pearlescent Ray.

2010 ushers in the perfect balance of power, Love and wisdom through the pearlescent flame of Divinity and allows us to experience this balance within ourselves as well as removing all bands of forgetfulness as we truly cross the threshold into the Abyss, this ray is focused on synergy through Divine Equality, allowing us to find the grace and harmony in our own lives, whilst honouring and recognising the Divine Equality of all Life. If we recognize and understand this, we step out of the "lesser than, better than consciousness" into a deeper level of self-acceptance, of unconditional Self Love, Self Worth and Self Nurturing. In this moment, we truly start to master our experiences, and draw upon the Love Power and Wisdom of the Universe as Co-Creators in our ascension process through ‘Service in Love’. Primarily we are focused on greater abundance in all aspects of our lives as we have already planted the seeds of thought to bring this to fruition in a way that is fulfilling and joyful ~ we have the opportunity to network on a greater level with one another and to share our teachings collectively uplifting, inspiring and empowering humanity working towards One Unity Consciousness.

I invite you to invoke and work with me as a collective consciousness for the first twelve days in January, to bring into your conscious reality the seeds of manifestation and magnetisation to be experienced through these next twelve months. Also consider using the lunar eclipse on the 31st December to set your intentions for the New Year, and bring a focus to the movement of these intentions from January 15th through the Solar eclipse at this time.

The 10th Ray is Pearlescent I colour and is the Ray of Divinity – Synergy through Divine Equality - over lighted by Chohan Master Allah Gobi

Its Qualities: - Balance & Equilibrium, Justice, Love, Power, Infinite Wisdom, Detachment, Attainment, Responsibility, Mastery and Transcendence.

The 10th Ray of Divinity is a combination of Ray 1 Will & Power, Ray 2 Love & Wisdom and Ray 3 Divine Intelligence – The three fold flame within the heart of humanity Love, Power & Wisdom – combined with a Higher Quotient of Source Light the 10th Ray is where the experience of your perfect balance & equilibrium, lifting the veils of illusion, experiencing Now. The 10th Ray of Divinity unlocks the Akashic Records, allowing knowledge of Humanities Highest

Invoking the 10th Ray of Divinity working towards One Unity Consciousness embracing the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God through Power, Love & Wisdom and anchoring the energy of the Rays deep into the Earth Mother through your physical vehicle creating Heaven on Earth in Service to Humanity. So as follows once per day invoke....

I call forth to Chohan Allah Gobi to anchor and activate the 10th Ray of Divinity in my Crown and throat chakras, and as it flows through my three mind, four body & chakra systems, I ask that all positive qualities associated within this ray is anchored and activated within every cell and molecule of my being in perfect balance for – me – in alignment with the Christ, Buddha & One unity Consciousness. So I may lift all remaining veils of illusion. So I may reveal all past, present and probable future realities of my Higher Light. I Am balance and equilibrium, I Am justice and Love, I Am infinite wisdom and detachment, I Am All That I Am.


I am the Divine embodiment of the sacred flame of Divinity.

I Am Power, Love and Wisdom, in balance and equilibrium.

I Am infinite wisdom and detachment as I experience the Higher Mind of Mother/Father God, through the integration of the I Am Presence, my Higher Light.

I now request that all bands of forgetfulness be lifted, so I may experience the Immortal aspect to my nature. (Repeat three times).

Love light & blessings Jillx

I hope you enjoyed working with Ray 10, working towards one unity consciousness anchoring Heaven on Earth - Pure CommUNITY. Ray Meditations and Journey Through The Rays will be launched later this this space!!